“And just when the caterpillar though the world was over, she became a butterfly”
Have you ever been there? At the verge of transformation? Well, this publication is about that — about people who have learned how to fly, individuals who dared to take the first jump against all odds because there was a force inside that drove them, that told them never to give up, and they were capable of that, of transforming from caterpillar to a butterfly.
This book is a compilation of hearts, souls, messages, and inspiration from some of the best artists operating in the world today. There is, within every creative mind, a force stronger than all senses. Like Ruben Dario once said, “There is a force stronger than all the armies in the world and that is an idea whose time has come,” and that, my dear friend, is what drives us to create.
This year my inspiration has led me to “Flying Above.” When we embarked on this new project for 2016, my soul was craving for new pastures and higher levels of consciousness. “Flying Above” was my energy field, my place of reflection, my point of creation, and where I stand now in life.
I surrendered; I found the pure joy, the bliss, of just being, one with my spirit, in tune with the universe. People come and go, circumstances are constantly changing, the world around me is in constant movement and evolution, but I stay here, flying above. From here, I can only see beauty and perfection. Everything is in the right place, everything happens at the right time, and everyone is perfect.
With that spirit, I led the production of this issue, and we worked hand in hand with over sixty artists. Open ears, open hearts, we decided together the artworks, aesthetics, concepts, ideas, designing one by one the pages of this publication. It has been one of our most fulfilling collaborations. It was a beautiful journey of discovery and getting to know the hearts of each one of the artists presented here today, and they are all magnificent.
Live fully, and never forget to fly!

Viviana Puello.
Editor-in-Chief ArtTour International Magazine